Unlocking Real-Time Data Powerhouse: A Guide to Amazon Kinesis

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Kelvin Onuchukwu
May 23, 2024

In today's data-driven world, businesses are inundated with real-time information streams. This data deluge, encompassing social media feeds, sensor readings, and customer clickstreams, holds immense potential for valuable insights. But capturing, processing, and analyzing this ever-flowing river of data presents a significant challenge.
Amazon Kinesis, a suite of services from Amazon Web Services (AWS), emerges as a powerful solution for real-time data processing. Kinesis empowers you to ingest, store, and analyze massive data streams at scale, enabling you to react to real-time events and make data-driven decisions in milliseconds.

Amazon kinesis is an AWS service that makes it easy to collect, process and analyze streaming data.

We can define streaming data as the contious flow of data generated by various sources. This can include real-time stock trades, up-to-the-minute retail inventory management, social media feeds, multiplayer games, and ride-sharing apps.
Amazon kinesis makes it easy to ingest real-time data such as application logs, metrics, website clickstreams and IOT telemetry data.

Understanding the Kinesis Family

Kinesis isn't a monolithic service, but rather a family of services, each addressing specific data processing needs:

Amazon kinesis is comprised of four key offerings:

  1. Kinesis Data streams

  2. Kinesis Video Streams

  3. Kinesis Data Firehose

  4. Managed Service For Apache Flink (formerly Kinesis Data Analytics)

    Amazon Kinesis Data Streams: 

Kinesis data stream


The foundation of Kinesis, this serverless service facilitates the real-time capture and processing of data streams. It automatically scales to accommodate ever-increasing data volumes, ensuring you can handle massive data influxes.

Kinesis data streams provide you with an easy way to stream big data. They provide you with a platform for continuous processing of streaming data. It can be used to collect log events from servers and other mobile deployments. A stream is made up of multiple shards. Shards are small partitions into which data can be broken up - in order to keep data across different resources. Shards are numbered numerically and have to be provisioned before hand. For example, if you create a stream with six shards, the data will be split across the different shards. The number of shards determine your stream capacity.

Kinesis producers and consumers are fundamental components of Amazon Kinesis data Streams. Producers act as data sources, continuously feeding data records into the stream. These producers can be various applications, mobile clients, or server-based agents.
Consumers, on the other hand, are applications that pull data records from the stream for processing.

Kinesis Producers will send data (called records) into the data stream. Records consist of partition key and data blob.
Partition key defines which shard the record will go into. Data blob conatins the value. Producers can send records at a rate of up to 1MB or 1000 messages per second, per shard.

Kinesis Consumers will then process the records in the stream. Consumers receive the partition key and sequence number - which represents the position of the record in the shard. Consumers can consume data at a rate of up to 2MB per shard, per consumer.

In a nutshell, producers send data to a data stream,it stays there for a while until it is read by consumers.

Kinesis data stream retention period can be set to between 1 and 365 days. Records that are ingested into the stream are immutable. Also, records that share the same partition go to the same shard. This can be used to provide ordering for your records.

Examples of kinesis producers include: AWS SDK, Kinesis producer library (KPL), kinesis agent, etc.
Examples of kinesis consumers include: AWS SDK, kinesis client library (KPL), Kinesis data firehose, kinesis data analytics, etc.


Amazon Kinesis Firehose: 

  1. Kinesis firehose

Designed for simpler data ingestion, Firehose delivers data streams to various AWS destinations for storage (S3), data warehousing (Redshift), and real-time analytics (Elasticsearch).

 Kinesis Data firehose allows you to easily capture, transform, and load streaming data. It is an extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that reliably captures, transforms, and delivers streaming data to data lakes, data stores, and analytics services.

Destinations can include Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and Elasticsearch. It is fully managed and serverless. Records that ware unsuccessfully consumed can be configured to be sent to a backup S3 bucket.

Producers for kinesis firehose include AWS SDK, kinesis agent, Kinesis data streams, Cloudwatch events and logs, AWs IoT etc. Producers will send records into firehose, firehose can optionally invoke your lambda function to transform incoming source data and deliver the transformed data to destinations.

Destinations are categorized into:

  1. AWS destinations: S3, Redshift, OpenSearch.

  2. Third-party destinations: Datadog, Splunk, MongoDB,, New Relic.

  3. Custom Destinations: HTTP Endpoint.

The picture below is an illustration from AWS that better explains this:

Amazon Kinesis Video Streams:

Kinesis video streams

This service caters specifically to video data streams, making it easy to ingest, process, and analyze video content from security cameras, drones, and other sources.

According to AWS, Kinesis Video Streams automatically provisions and elastically scales all the infrastructure needed to ingest streaming video data from millions of devices. It durably stores, encrypts, and indexes video data in your streams, and allows you to access your data through easy-to-use APIs.

Kinesis video streams allow you stream video from any device directly to the cloud, and build applications that process or analyze video content, either in real-time or in batches.

Amazon KVS (kinesis video streams) can be very useful for video surveillance, livestreaming and Internet of Things (IoT).

Managed Service For Apache Flink (formerly Kinesis Data Analytics):

Amazon apache flink

Managed Service For Apache Flink is a fully managed Amazon service that enables you to use an Apache Flink application to process streaming data.

Apache Flink is an open source framework and a distributed processing engine that offers connectors to multiple data sources. It does computations such as joins, aggregations, and extrat, transformation, and load (ETL) capabilities. It allows for advanced real-time techniques such as complex event processing.

With managed service for Apache flink, the producers include Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon S3, Amazon MSK, Kinesis Data Firehose, Amazon OpenSearch Service, CloudWatch etc. The records are received and can be queried and analyzed in real-time. They are then sent to various destinations which can include S3, MSK and Kinesis data streams.

Use cases for this include:

  • Real-time analytics: You can interactively query and analyze data streams and continuously produce insights.

  • Stateful processing: We can use long-running, stateful computations to initiate real-time actions - such as anomaly detection - based on historical data trends.

  • Time-series analytics.


Benefits of Using Amazon Kinesis

Kinesis can revolutionize your approach to real-time data processing by offering:

  •  Scalability: Effortlessly handle surges in data flow without compromising performance. Kinesis automatically scales to accommodate massive data streams.
  •  Real-time Processing: Gain insights from your data streams with minimal latency, enabling you to react to real-time events and make data-driven decisions promptly.
  •  Cost-Effectiveness: Kinesis operates on a pay-as-you-go model, so you only incur charges for the resources you utilize. This eliminates the need for upfront investments in expensive hardware infrastructure.
  •  Flexibility: Kinesis integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, allowing you to create a comprehensive data processing pipeline that aligns with your specific needs.

Use Cases for Amazon Kinesis

Kinesis finds application in a wide range of industries and scenarios:

  •  Fraud Detection: Financial institutions leverage Kinesis to analyze real-time transaction data to identify and prevent fraudulent activities.
  •  Social Media Analytics: Businesses can use Kinesis to capture and analyze social media data streams to understand customer sentiment and track brand mentions.
  •  IoT Data Processing: Kinesis is ideal for processing sensor data from IoT devices, enabling real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance.
  •  Real-time Stock Market Analysis: Financial institutions leverage Kinesis to analyze real-time market data feeds for smarter investment decisions.
  •  Log and Clickstream Analytics: Analyze website and application logs in real-time to understand user behavior and identify potential issues.
  •  Personalized Customer Experiences: Kinesis can be used to create dynamic and personalized customer experiences based on real-time data.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Use Cases for Kinesis

While the core functionalities of Kinesis revolve around real-time data ingestion, processing, and analysis, its capabilities extend beyond these fundamentals. Here are some advanced use cases to explore:

  • Machine Learning with Kinesis: Kinesis can be integrated with Amazon Machine Learning (AML) or SageMaker to create real-time machine learning pipelines. This enables you to train models on real-time data streams and generate predictions or insights as the data arrives.
  •  Real-time Anomaly Detection: Leverage Kinesis to identify anomalies in real-time data streams. This can be valuable for fraud detection, system monitoring, and security applications.
  •  Building Real-time Dashboards: Kinesis data can be visualized in real-time on dashboards using services like Amazon QuickSight or Kibana. This enables you to monitor key metrics and identify trends as they occur.

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