About Practical Cloud

If you've spent any time in the Cloud Computing field, you've likely experienced the frustration of searching for reliable, comprehensive, and practical resources. You may have come across articles that were too basic, providing little more than definitions without explaining how the technologies actually work. On the other hand, you may have encountered articles that were overly detailed, getting lost in minutiae and failing to convey the main point.

The goal of this blog, PracticalCloud, is to fill this gap by providing a balanced and practical approach. We aim to offer a happy medium between oversimplification and excessive detail, making complex technologies accessible and easy to understand. Our teaching approach is designed to be clear, concise, and easy to learn, allowing you to grasp the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.

By presenting complex cloud computing concepts in a straightforward and simple manner, PracticalCloud provides practical knowledge that you can apply immediately. Our focus is on providing actionable insights and expertise that you can use to excel in the Cloud Computing industry. We believe that knowledge should be shared in a way that's easy to understand and pass on to others, and that's exactly what we strive to achieve with PracticalCloud.

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About the Author

Hello, I'm Kelvin, a seasoned DevOps and Cloud engineer with six-plus years of tech experience.

My expertise spans systems, network, Cloud, and DevOps engineering. I'm driven to share knowledge on cloud computing, empowering others to effectively design and deploy scalable cloud solutions.

I hope you find my articles and labs helpful. If you do, please feel free to share them with others!

Contact Kelvin

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