A Comprehensive Guide to Amazon DynamoDB: Features, Use Cases, Best Practices, and Practical Examples

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Kelvin Onuchukwu
June 3, 2024

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It offers fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. In this comprehensive guide, we will look deep  into the various features of DynamoDB, explore detailed use cases for each feature, provide practical examples using Python (boto3) and AWS CLI commands, discuss best practices, cover when it is best to use DynamoDB or not, and compare query vs. scan operations.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction to DynamoDB
2. Key Features of DynamoDB

  •  Tables, Items, and Attributes
  • Primary Keys
  • Secondary Indexes
  • Streams
  • Transactions
  • On-Demand Backup and Restore
  • Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR)
  • Global Tables
  • Provisioned Throughput and On-Demand Capacity
  • DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)
  • Encryption at Rest and in Transit

3. Use Cases for DynamoDB

  •   E-commerce
  • Gaming
  • IoT
  • Financial Services
  • Social Media

4. Read and Write Capacity Units
5. Query vs. Scan Operations
6. DynamoDB: A good fit or not?
7. Best Practices for DynamoDB
8. Practical Examples with Python (boto3) and AWS CLI

  • Creating and Managing Tables
  • CRUD Operations
  • Query and Scan Operations
  • Working with Indexes
  • Handling Streams
  • Implementing Transactions
  • Backup and Restore
  • Managing Global Tables
  • Utilizing DAX

9. Final Thoughts On DynamoDB

Comprehensive Guide To DynamoDB

 1. Introduction to DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is designed for high availability and low-latency applications. It automatically manages the data traffic of tables over multiple servers and maintains performance. As a NoSQL database, it is schema-less, which means each item can have a different number of attributes.


2. Key Features of DynamoDB

Tables, Items, and Attributes

Tables: The primary structure in DynamoDB. Each table can hold a virtually unlimited number of items.

Items: Equivalent to rows in a relational database.

Attributes: The data within an item, similar to columns in relational databases.

Use Case:

  • E-commerce Applications: Store product catalogs where each product (item) has a different set of attributes.

Example (Python - boto3):

import boto3
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.create_table(
           'AttributeName': 'ProductID',
           'KeyType': 'HASH'  # Partition key
           'AttributeName': 'ProductID',
           'AttributeType': 'S'
       'ReadCapacityUnits': 10,
       'WriteCapacityUnits': 10

Primary Keys

DynamoDB uses primary keys to uniquely identify each item in a table.

  • Partition Key: A single attribute primary key.
  • Composite Primary Key: A combination of partition key and sort key.

Use Case:
User Profiles: Use a user ID as a partition key.

Example (AWS CLI):

aws dynamodb create-table \
   --table-name Users \
   --attribute-definitions \
       AttributeName=UserID,AttributeType=S \
   --key-schema \
       AttributeName=UserID,KeyType=HASH \
   --provisioned-throughput \

Secondary Indexes

Indexes provide alternative query patterns for your table.

  • Global Secondary Index (GSI): Supercharged search bar for your data table. Find items by any attribute, faster, but with extra cost and eventual consistency. Can be queried using any attribute.
  • Local Secondary Index (LSI): Mini-index within a table partition for faster queries using a different sort key. Uses the same partition key but a different sort key.

Use Case:
Log Data: Query logs by both user ID and timestamp.

Example (Python - boto3):

           'AttributeName': 'Timestamp',
           'AttributeType': 'N'
           'Create': {
               'IndexName': 'TimestampIndex',
               'KeySchema': [
                       'AttributeName': 'UserID',
                       'KeyType': 'HASH'
                       'AttributeName': 'Timestamp',
                       'KeyType': 'RANGE'
               'ProvisionedThroughput': {
                   'ReadCapacityUnits': 5,
                   'WriteCapacityUnits': 5
               'Projection': {
                   'ProjectionType': 'ALL'


DynamoDB Streams capture changes to items in a table and store them for 24 hours.

Use Case:
Real-time Analytics: Trigger Lambda functions for real-time data processing.

Example (Python - boto3):

dynamodbstreams = boto3.client('dynamodbstreams')
response = dynamodbstreams.describe_stream(


DynamoDB transactions provide atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID).

Use Case:
Financial Applications: Ensure atomic updates to multiple items. All items in (success) or none (failure). Keeps your data consistent.

Example (Python - boto3):

client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
response = client.transact_write_items(
           'Put': {
               'TableName': 'Accounts',
               'Item': {
                   'AccountID': {'S': '12345'},
                   'Balance': {'N': '1000'}
           'Update': {
               'TableName': 'Accounts',
               'Key': {
                   'AccountID': {'S': '67890'}
               'UpdateExpression': 'SET Balance = Balance - :val',
               'ExpressionAttributeValues': {
                   ':val': {'N': '100'}

On-Demand Backup and Restore

Create full backups of your DynamoDB tables for data archival and protection.

Use Case:
Compliance: Regular backups for regulatory compliance.

Example (AWS CLI):

aws dynamodb create-backup \
   --table-name Users \
   --backup-name UsersBackup

Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR)

Restore data to any point in time within the last 35 days.

Use Case:
Accidental Deletion: Recover data after accidental deletion or corruption.

Example (AWS CLI):

aws dynamodb restore-table-to-point-in-time \
   --source-table-name Users \
   --target-table-name UsersRestored \
   --restore-date-time 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z

Global Tables

DynamoDB Global Tables provide multi-region, fully replicated tables for high availability.

Use Case:
Global Applications: Maintain low latency for users around the world.

Example (AWS CLI):

aws dynamodb create-global-table \
   --global-table-name GlobalUsers \
   --replication-group RegionName=us-east-1 RegionName=us-west-2

Provisioned Throughput and On-Demand Capacity

Choose between provisioned throughput or on-demand capacity mode.

Provisioned Throughput: Specify the number of reads and writes per second. This offers fixed cost based on reserved capacity.
On-Demand Capacity: Pay for the read and write units you actually use. But this can lead to spikes in cost.

Use Case:
Variable Workloads: Use On-demand mode for unpredictable workloads.

Example (Python - boto3):


DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)

DAX provides in-memory caching for DynamoDB, reducing response times. It is fully managed and easy to use. No need to manage the cache yourself.

Use Case:
High-Traffic Applications: Improve read performance for applications with heavy read operations.

Example (Python - boto3):

dax = boto3.client('dax')
response = dax.create_cluster(

Encryption at Rest and in Transit

DynamoDB provides encryption at rest and in transit to protect sensitive data.

Use Case:
Sensitive Data: Store and access sensitive information securely.


3. Use Cases for DynamoDB


  • Product Catalogs: Store information about products where each item can have different attributes such as name, description, price, and availability.
  • Order Processing: Manage orders with complex relationships between customers, products, and transactions.
  • Inventory Management: Keep real-time track of inventory levels, manage stock, and handle restocking operations.


  • Player Profiles: Store player information, preferences, and game progress.
  • Session History: Log player sessions to analyze gaming behavior and trends.
  • Leaderboard Data: Maintain real-time leaderboards for competitive games.


  • Sensor Data: Store and query large volumes of time-series data from various sensors.
  • Device Management: Manage metadata and configurations for a large fleet of IoT devices.
  • Alerts and Notifications: Generate alerts based on sensor data thresholds.

Financial Services

  • Transaction Records: Store and retrieve transaction records with high availability and durability.
  • Compliance Data: Maintain records and audit trails for regulatory compliance.
  • Customer Profiles: Store and manage detailed customer information and financial records.

Social Media

  • User Profiles: Maintain comprehensive user profiles including preferences and activity logs.
  • Posts and Comments: Store and manage user-generated content with dynamic attributes.
  • Real-Time Feeds: Deliver real-time updates and notifications to users.

4. Read and Write Capacity Units

Read Capacity Units (RCUs)

Read capacity units determine the number of consistent reads per second for an item up to 4 KB in size. One RCU allows:

  • One strongly consistent read per second for items up to 4 KB.
  • Two eventually consistent reads per second for items up to 4 KB.

Example Calculation:
If your application reads items that are 8 KB in size, you need 2 RCUs for each strongly consistent read per second or 1 RCU for each eventually consistent read per second.

Write Capacity Units (WCUs)

Write capacity units determine the number of writes per second for an item up to 1 KB in size. One WCU allows:

  • One write per second for items up to 1 KB.

Example Calculation:
If your application writes items that are 2 KB in size, you need 2 WCUs for each write per second.

Use Case:
High-Throughput Applications: Properly allocate RCUs and WCUs based on the expected read/write traffic to ensure performance and avoid throttling.

Example (Python - boto3):

       'ReadCapacityUnits': 10,
       'WriteCapacityUnits': 5


5. Query vs. Scan Operations

Query Operation

The query operation finds items in a table or a secondary index using only primary key attribute values. Queries are generally more efficient than scans because they can access a specific partition and retrieve a subset of items.

Use Case:
User Profiles: Retrieve user data based on user ID (partition key).

Example (AWS CLI):

aws dynamodb query \
   --table-name Users \
   --key-condition-expression "UserID = :u" \
   --expression-attribute-values  '{":u":{"S":"12345"}}'


Scan Operation

The scan operation examines every item in the table. Scans are less efficient than queries because they read every item in the table.

Use Case:
Inventory Search: Retrieve all items where the stock level is below a certain threshold.

Example (Python - boto3):

response = table.scan(


Comparison and Best Use Cases

  • Use Query: When you need to retrieve items based on primary key attributes. This is faster and more efficient.
  • Use Scan: When you need to examine all items in a table or filter items based on non-primary key attributes. Scans should be used sparingly due to their inefficiency.

6. DynamoDB: A Good Fit or Not?

When to Use DynamoDB

  • Variable Data Structures: When your application requires a flexible schema.
  • High Throughput and Low Latency: For applications needing high read/write throughput with low latency.
  • Scalability: When you need automatic scaling to handle large amounts of data and traffic.
  • Serverless Applications: For applications built on serverless architectures.

When Not to Use DynamoDB

  • Complex Transactions: When your application requires complex multi-item transactions beyond DynamoDB's capabilities.
  • Relational Data Models: For applications needing complex joins and relationships, a relational database may be more suitable.
  • Fixed Schema: When your data has a rigid schema, relational databases might offer better performance and easier management.

7. Best Practices for DynamoDB

  1. Efficient Partition Key Design: Choose partition keys that evenly distribute data and avoid hotspots.
  2. Use Global Secondary Indexes (GSI) Wisely: Limit the number of GSIs to reduce costs and optimize performance.
  3. Provisioned Throughput Optimization: Monitor usage patterns and adjust read/write capacity units accordingly.
  4. Leverage DynamoDB Streams: Use streams for real-time processing and integration with AWS Lambda.
  5. Implement Backups and PITR: Regularly back up data and enable point-in-time recovery to safeguard against data loss.
  6. Use DAX for Read-Heavy Workloads: Implement DAX for in-memory caching to reduce read latency.

8. Practical Examples with Python (boto3) and AWS CLI

Creating and Managing Tables

Create Table (AWS CLI):

aws dynamodb create-table \
   --table-name Music \
   --attribute-definitions \
       AttributeName=Artist,AttributeType=S \
       AttributeName=SongTitle,AttributeType=S \
   --key-schema \
       AttributeName=Artist,KeyType=HASH \
       AttributeName=SongTitle,KeyType=RANGE \
   --provisioned-throughput \

CRUD Operations

Insert Item (Python - boto3):

       'Artist': 'No One You Know',
       'SongTitle': 'Call Me Today',
       'AlbumTitle': 'Somewhat Famous',
       'Year': 2015,
       'Price': 2.14

Query and Scan Operations

Query Items (AWS CLI):

aws dynamodb query \
   --table-name Music \
   --key-condition-expression "Artist = :a" \
   --expression-attribute-values  '{":a":{"S":"No One You Know"}}'

Scan Table (Python - boto3):

response = table.scan(

Working with Indexes

Create GSI (AWS CLI):

aws dynamodb update-table \
   --table-name Music \
   --attribute-definitions AttributeName=AlbumTitle,AttributeType=S \
   --global-secondary-index-updates \

Handling Streams

Enable Stream (AWS CLI):

aws dynamodb update-table \
   --table-name Music \
   --stream-specification StreamEnabled=true,StreamViewType=NEW_IMAGE

Implementing Transactions

Transaction Write (AWS CLI)

aws dynamodb transact-write-items \
   --transact-items file://transact-write-items.json

Utilizing DAX

Create DAX Cluster (AWS CLI):

aws dax create-cluster \
   --cluster-name MusicDAXCluster \
   --node-type dax.r4.large \
   --replication-factor 3 \
   --iam-role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/DynamoDBDAXServiceRole \
   --subnet-group-name default


9. Final thoughts on DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is a versatile and powerful NoSQL database service ideal for applications requiring high availability, low latency, and seamless scalability. Its wide range of features, from ACID transactions to global tables, makes it suitable for diverse use cases across various industries. By leveraging DynamoDB's capabilities and integrating with tools like boto3 and AWS CLI, developers can build robust, efficient, and scalable applications.

By understanding and utilizing the features covered in this guide, you can fully harness the power of DynamoDB for your application needs. Whether you are building e-commerce platforms, gaming backends, IoT solutions, or financial services, DynamoDB offers the tools and flexibility to meet your requirements. Remember to follow best practices to optimize performance, cost, and reliability.

Happy Clouding!!!

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